Open data is the basic data of the public administration, which are both legally and technologically accessible to everyone, and is easily re-usable because they are offered in a machine-readable format. The Procurement Monitoring Bureau offers the following open data: public procurement notices, procurement statistics and classifiers.
Article 17 of Freedom of Information Law does not impose conditions for re-use of information. Data covered by Creative Commons CC0 (Public Domain) Public Property Statement which does not impose any restrictions on data users and allows them to proceed freely. The data user shall assume full responsibility for the further use, processing, interpretation and conclusions of the data obtained on the basis of these data.
Please send your feedback, suggestions and information on problems to the e-mail address
Data source and description
Data source is the Procurement Monitoring Bureau's website, mainly the published procurement notices, which are published by contracting authorities, public service providers, public partners or their representatives in accordance with the regulatory enactments in the field of public procurement issued in the territory of the Republic of Latvia - Public Procurement Law, Law On Procurement of Public Service Providers, Law On Defence and Security Procurement, Law On Public-Private Partnership, Cabinet Regulation No.104 of 28 February 2017 “Rules on the procurement procedure and its application for projects financed by the contracting party” and Procurement Guidelines for public service providers. The Cabinet Regulation No. 605 of 24 October 2023 “Notices of Public Procurement and Concession Procedures” determine the content of the eForms and the procedures for preparing them.
Data is offered in Latvian (geographical coverage: Republic of Latvia) and contains only the information to be disclosed in the notices.
Important note. Data structure of eForms published since 25 October 2023 differs from the data structure of the previously published public procurement notices. In addition, it should be noted that changes may be made to the eForms by replacing the previously published eForm with a more up-to-date version of the eForm, and the republished eForm is considered to be the last published eForm containing up-to-date information (if the eForm has not been republished, then the field "clonedFrom": is null, if the eForm is republished, then the field "clonedFrom" will contain a reference to the previously published eForm). When analysing the data, please take into account the regulatory framework in force during the period considered (including transitional rules which, for example, provide for the completion of the procurement procedures initiated in accordance with the provisions of the law in force on the date of the announcement of the procurement procedure in question, etc.). Changes to laws may affect the content of notices (e.g. different fields included in notices). In addition, on 1 January 2014 Latvia had a transfer from Latvian lats (LVL) to the euro (EUR) currency.
Details of inaccurate data! During the period from 18 June 2019 to 6 April 2020, the notices published in accordance with Section 9 of the Public Procurement Law regarding the notice for intended contract (notice_planned_contract) and the notices on the concluded contract (notice_concluded_contract) may include wrong data for the type of procedure (proc_type) which does not apply to these notices. When selecting data, do not take into account the data of the type of procedure in these types of notices!
EU Vocabularies code lists used in eForms:
Availability, format, and updating the data
eForms data (since 25 October 2023) can be freely downloaded in JSON format from the open data service of the Procurement Monitoring Bureau at
Data (public procurement notices published until 24 October 2023 and notices published in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No.104 of 28 February 2017 “Rules on the procurement procedure and its application for projects financed by the contracting party” and Procurement Guidelines for public service providers) can be freely downloaded in XML format from the FTP server offered by the Procurement Monitoring Bureau
Data is available without authorisation and is offered in a machine-readable format:
- JSON by using popular web browsers (Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera, Firefox), text editor program (Notepad);
- XML by using open-code software FileZilla ( or WinSCP (
Data is available in JSON format files or archived once daily in the *. tar.gz archives. Each file/archive shall contain all the notices published last day. Files/archives are grouped according to the following parameters: year → month → day. Data is available for the period from 1 January 2013. Data is updated once daily 00:15. The data available for re-use shall be final and shall not be corrected.
Data source and description
Data source is the Procurement Monitoring Bureau's website, mainly the published procurement notices, annual public procurement reports, quarterly reports on concluded contracts of food supply, information collected by the Legal Department of the Procurement Monitoring Bureau, the Department of Administrative Penalties and the Department of Finances and Administration. Data contains information regarding procurement and concessions in the State, applications regarding violations of procurement procedures, executed deposit payments applied for violations of procurement activities in accordance with the regulatory enactments of the field of public procurement issued in the territory of the Republic of Latvia - Public Procurement Law, Law On Procurement of Public Service Providers, Law On Defence and Security Procurement, Law On Public-Private Partnership, Cabinet Regulation No.104 of 28 February 2017 “Rules on the procurement procedure and its application for projects financed by the contracting party” and Procurement Guidelines for public service providers.
Data are offered in Latvian (geographical coverage: Republic of Latvia). Important note. When analysing the data, please take into account the regulatory framework in force during the period considered (e. g. different contract price thresholds and summary fields). In addition, on 1 January 2014 Latvia had a transfer from Latvian lats (LVL) to the euro (EUR) currency. Additional data information is available in the relevant file and metadata.
Availability, format, and updating the data
Data can be easily downloaded and viewed on Latvian Open Data Portal: The data is available without authorisation and is provided in a machine-readable format (CSV, XLS). The availability period is specified in the relevant metadata. Data is updated according to data publishing calendar . The data available for re-use may be updated by re-publishing and specifying the date of the re-publishing.
Data source and description
Data source is Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV nomenclature classified as defined by Commission Regulation (EC) No. 213/2008 of 28 November 2007 amending Regulation (EC) No 2195/2002 on the common public procurement dictionary (CPV) and Directive 2004/17/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and Directive 2004/18/EC on public procurement procedures for the revision of the CPV. The CPV nomenclature is applicable to public procurement in order to standardise the indications used by the contracting authorities to indicate their procurement object. The data are provided in Latvian with the transcript of the CPV code in English.
Availability, format, and the updating the data
Data can be easily downloaded and viewed on Latvian Open Data Portal: The data is available without authorisation and is provided in a machine-readable format (CSV, XLS). Data shall be updated when the European Commission Regulation establishing the classification of the nomenclature of the CPV enters into force. The data available for re-use shall be final and shall not be updated.