Execution deadline in working days
Any person
Receiving restrictions

Public procurement data from the public procurement notices published on the Procurement Monitoring Bureau's website and other procurement related data, including publications, procurement, contracts, complaints, CPV classifier, and other data. Ensuring the availability of public procurement related data on the Procurement Monitoring Bureau's website, in the data visualization, the contract register, and in the open data format in the open data service and the Latvian Open Data Portal.

Request and receipte of service:

The public procurement related data ir freely available on the Procurement Monitoring Bureau's website, open data service and the Latvian Open Data Portal

Enquiries about the service

Contact details: or by phone +371 22416641 (#2; #1) (from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m., on pre-holiday workdays until 2.00 p.m.)


Service inquiries