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Public procurement challenging is a review procedure that allows to carry out a post-control of the legality of the decisions taken by the organisers of procurement procedures. The aim of the service is to eliminate the violations of public procurement rules permitted by the organisers of procurement procedures.

Process description

  1. Request of service

    Request of the service by submitting an application to the Procurement Monitoring Bureau indicating the following information: 1) the name and address of the submitter of the application, 2) the name and address of the contracting authority on whose actions the application is submitted, 3) the name and identification number of the procurement procedure, 4) the facts for reviewing including the description of the violation, 5) the legal basis for submitting the application, and 6) the claim of the submitter of the application.

    A complaint to the Procurement Monitoring Bureau may be submitted, by delivering it in person or sending it by post or electronically using a secure electronic signature or attaching a scanned document to the electronic mail message or by e-address. 

    The request of service can be refused in the following cases: 1) no violation of the subjective rights of the submitter is established, 2) the application is not submitted within the time period set in Paragraph two or three of Section 68 of Public Procurement Law, Paragraph two or three of Section 72 of Law On the Procurement of Public Service Providers, Paragraph two or three of Section 29 of Law On Public–Private Partnership, and Paragraph two or three of Section 63 of Law on Procurement in the Fields of Defence and Security, 3) the application does not include the facts for reviewing, and there is no legal basis indicated, 4) no sufficient information included in the application to satisfy the claim or the application must be obviously rejected in terms of its content, or 5) no deposit payment is received.

    The amount of the deposit as well as the exceptions when the deposit payment is not due are set under Section 70 of Public Procurement Law, Section 74 of Law On the Procurement of Public Service Providers and Section 29.2 of Law On Public–Private Partnership. The deposit payment or its submission procedure is regulated by the Regulations No. 110 of the Cabinet of Ministers of 28 February 2017 On Deposit Payment Regulations. The deposit payment guidelines in Latvian are available on the Procurement Monitoring Bureau’s website

  2. Receipt of service

    The applications are reviewed and decisions are taken during the application review sessions with the hearing the parties in the video conference mode.. The parties are informed of the application review session by publishing the invitation on the Procurement Monitoring Bureau’s website three working days before the session. If the involved parties have notified the Procurement Monitoring Bureau of the e-mail address the Procurement Monitoring Bureau shall also send the information regarding the application review session to the involved parties by e-mail no later than the date of publication of the invitation on the Procurement Monitoring Bureau’s website.

    After the decision has been taken, the decision shall be notified within three working days by publishing it on the Procurement Monitoring Bureau’s website.

    The decision may be appealed to the District Administrative Court within one month from the date of its notification. The decision shall be deemed to be notified the next working day following its publication on the Procurement Monitoring Bureau’s website.

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Submission of applications

  • Email:
  • Official e-address of the institution
  • Mail: Smilsu street 1, Riga, LV-1919
  • Opening hours of the Procurement Monitoring Office on weekdays from 8:30 to 17:00, on weekdays before 15:00

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