The Procurement Monitoring Bureau (PMB) has successfully implemented the Recovery and Resilience Facility’s (RRF) reform "Strengthening PMB’s IT and analytical capacity",  in which the development of the modernized Publication Management System (PMS) has been completed for more efficient procurement management, as well as expanding data analytics capabilities and improving the procurement monitoring system.

Starting from January 1st, 2025, users have access to the modernized PMS that:

  • offers online access – a new public website is available with an improved design, advanced search of the published notices by various selection filters, a wider scope of notice marking with flags, a more convenient search of the CPV classifier codes, autocalculator and contract register, as well as increased data export volume of the notice search results (up to 10 thousand records);
  • includes publication of e-forms – the PMS has an integrated e-forms module for publishing and sending procurement notices for publication in the Official Journal of the European Union;
  • provides an overview of procurement statistics – data visualization is available, supported by Power BI data analytics, of more than 10 different indicators on public procurement in Latvia;
  • supports availability of client profiles – improved functionality of client profiles, including procurement, contract and user management, verifying the convicted persons before including them in the procurement commission, as well as an improved system administration and user support capabilities;
  • has module for procurement complaints process, module for carrying out pre-checks and module for administrative infringement process cases – the internal processes of the procurement monitoring system were improved by developing a system environment adapted to the processes of the Control Department, the Legal Department and the Administrative Penalties Department of the PMB, and by introducing a contracting authorities’ rating functionality that will allow the PMB to calculate the contracting authorities rating according to the rating methodology developed within the framework of the reform.

As part of the reform, procurement notices (e-forms) and complaints data are provided as open data in JSON format. For more information on the PMB's open data (including four essential datasets – Publications, public procurement, Contracts, Complaints, CPV classification), please see the "Open Data" section of the website.

We would like to thank everyone who was involved in the process of developing and improving the modernized PMS! Your opinion is important, therefore, in case of any suggestions or questions, we invite you to contact us by writing to the e-mail address: or by calling the phone number +371 22416641 and pressing Key 2.

The modernized PMS has been developed within the framework of the Recovery and Resilience Facility’s  reform 6.4.4.r "Strengthening  PMB’s IT and analytical capacity " under the investment project No "Digital transformation of public procurement processes and services".

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