The Procurement Monitoring Bureau (PMB) has successfully implemented the Recovery and Resilience Facility’s (RRF) reform "Strengthening PMB’s IT and analytical capacity", in which the…
We would like to remind you that starting from July 12, 2023, in public procurement procedures where the estimated value of the contract reaches 250 million euros, Regulation No. 2022/2560 of the…
From 1 January 2023, the Procurement Monitoring Bureau (hereinafter - the Office) has a new address and a new visiting procedure. Namely, the Office will be located in the premises of the Ministry of…
On 3 March 2022, the Saeima (the Parliament of the Republic of Latvia) adopted amendments to the Law on Public Procurement, which will enter into force on 1 January 2023.
The Procurement Monitoring Bureau on its website offers the possibility, within the framework of preliminary market research, for contracting authorities (including public service providers…